Opening in the trenches of Flanders, a personal story unfolds in post-war industrial Birmingham as the Shelby family navigate the decisions that determine their fate and Tommy is intoxicated by mysterious newcomer, Grace. While Tommy is building his empire, Grace is operating as an undercover agent for Special Branch on...
One of the country’s best-loved and most popular comedians Paddy McGuinness has announced a major UK tour, his first since 2016! Paddy’s long-awaited return to stand-up will see him perform 40 dates across the UK in 2024 and 2025.
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We are on a mission to improve the self-confidence, social skills and performance abilities of children across the world through theatre.Our holiday camps are taught by actors working in the Performance industry & child care supervisors from the UK and Ireland. Students learn self-confidence, public speaking and perform in a...
The Frog and Bucket Comedy Club sits on the far edge of the Northern Quarter in Manchester city centre and was one of the first venues to open in the now creatively bustling district. Back in the nineties when Oasis were hanging out in Dry Bar around the corner, comedians...
AO Arena Manchester is one of the busiest venues in the world and the largest indoor arena in Europe. It has hosted the biggest names in live entertainment including U2, The Rolling Stones, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Pavarotti and the record-breaking 2010/2011 residency by local comedian Peter Kay.
The Trafford Centre is a large indoor shopping centre and leisure complex in Greater Manchester, England. Located in Urmston in the Metropolitan Borough of Trafford, the centre is within the Trafford Park industrial estate, five miles west of Manchester city centre.
Brooklyn welcomes the world to its streets, and we invite the world through our doors. Guys, dolls, grifters, shifters and all folk in between. See more…Check our latest offers, book now and enjoy the best deal in Cottonopolis!
Event venue in the Northern Quarter, Manchester, with live music, DJs, club nights and more.
Friendly, open-minded church, serving Salford and Manchester City Centre. Here since 1635, we continue to be an uplifting, loving, transformative and sometimes surprising presence in our community.
Check out our most popular shows in Manchester
Definitely Oasis will perform 2 hours + of all your favourite Oasis hits & even some popular Oasis b sides. This gig is a must for any Oasis fan!Definitely Oasis are regarded by many promoters and Oasis fans alike as the best one there is.With Oasis currently not together, Definitely...
Buy and sell tickets for Roy Chubby Brown's live show at O2 Apollo Manchester in Manchester on 17 Jan with just a few clicks at StubHub.
This show was rescheduled from 26th March.
With an authenticity and provenance that’s hard to beat The Smiths Ltd are the ultimate tribute.
Peter Kay has announced his return to stand-up with his first live tour in twelve years kicking off at Manchester's AO Arena on 2 Dec 2022. Peter’s 2010 tour still officially ranks with the Guinness Book of World Records as the biggest selling comedy tour of all time
The weather outside is frightful, but our festive dining experiences are delightful! Step on board our festive decorated, beautifully restored Pullman carriages while being steam hauled through the picturesque Irwell Valley. With polished panelling, luxurious furnishings, and crisp linen it’s a perfect way to dine with family and friends while...
This is a light-hearted Murder Mystery event. Guests will gather on the platform for the first part of the performance at 6.30pm before boarding the train. During the main course the actors will divulge clues and aid (or not!) your deliberations. The second part of the performance will take place...
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